Solomon Feferman

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, 2011, Enriched stratified systems for the foundations of category theory, in G. Sommaruga (ed.), Foundational theories of classical and constructive mathematics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 127-143.

with Burdman Feferman, A. , 2010, 'Logic and methodology, center stage', Philosophia Scientiae 14 (1), 159-168.

, 2008, 'Harmonious logic: Craig's interpolation theorem and its descendants', Synthese 164 (3), 341-357.

, 2003, Alfred Tarski and a watershed meeting in logic: cornell, 1957, in J. Hintikka, T. Czarnecki, T. Placek & A. Rojszczak (eds.), Philosophy and logic in search of the Polish tradition, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 151-162.

, 2000, 'Mathematical intuition vs. mathematical monsters', Synthese 125 (3), 317-332.

, 1999a, Tarski and Gödel: between the lines, in J. Woleński & E. Köhler (eds.), Alfred Tarski and the Vienna circle, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 53-63.