Conference | Paper

Prague and the scientific horizons of phenomenology

Patrick Flack

Tuesday 13th September 2022

14:45 - 15:30

Palazzo del Capitanio-Aula AIS 2

Prague is connected with the specifically scientific scope of Husserl’s philosophy in at least two ways: firstly, because one of the texts in which Husserl deals directly with the relationship between phenomenology and science, the Krisis, emerged from conferences he gave in Prague (and Vienna) and was published thanks to the Cercle philosophique de Prague. Secondly, because one of the successful attempts to use a phenomenological approach to found a human science, namely structural phonology, was carried out in Prague, in particular by Roman Jakobson. In this historiographically oriented paper, I will explore this paradoxical role of Prague as a locus of both the crisis and the triumph of a phenomenological conception of science. I will do so by reconstructing some of the intellectual networks of interwar Prague, casting light on the common background of both the Krisis and the rise of structural phonology, and highlighting the role of the singular meeting in Prague of Neokantian, Brentanian, phenomenological and structural approaches.