Conference | Paper

The phenomenological essence of relativity: possibility, kinesthetics-intersubjectivity and “unobservables” between Husserl, Weyl and Einstein

Giorgio Jules Mastrobisi, Ruth Castillo

Tuesday 13th September 2022

16:45 - 17:30

Palazzo del Capitanio-Aula 5

In Formal and transcendental Logic Husserl had affirmed that the special sciences fail to understand the essential one-sidedness of their productions; in fact, they relate their combined researches to the universality of being and its fundamental essential unity. The present condition of European sciences necessitates radical investigations of sense, so these sciences have lost their great belief in themselves, in their absolute significance. But Husserl's Sense-investigation (Besinnung) signifies nothing but the attempt actually to produce the sense itself, the sense in the mode of full clarity or essential possibility. I want to assume that the existence of real thing, which is the object of physics, is only given and can only be given as the intentional correlate of the processes of consciousness of a pure meaning-bestowing ego. The physical world, with which we reckon continually in our daily lives, this objective world is of necessity relative; it can be represented by numbers or other symbols only after a system of coordinates has been arbitrarily carried into the world. Intuitive space and intuitive time are the adequate medium in which physics is to construct the external world. The investigations concerning space and time appear to us to be a good example of the analysis of essences (Wesenanalyse) striven for by phenomenological philosophy, an example that is typical for such cases where a non-immanent essence is dealt with.