Conference | Paper

The centrality of the world in Husserl's foundational project

Emiliano Trizio

Tuesday 13th September 2022

14:45 - 15:30

Ex ECA-Aula E

This paper will present an overview of the role that Husserl’s reflections on the concept of world plays in his life-long attempt to covert empirical sciences into the ultimate knowledge of reality. The overview will reflect the main stages of Husserl’s intellectual trajectory from the years preceding the publication of the Logical Investigations to the Crisis. It will be argued that only a precise appraisal of this evolution allows a correct understanding of Husserl’s late use of the notion of Life-world in relation to the sciences as well as the real sense of his criticism of naturalism and objectivism. Finally, the essential difference existing between Husserl’s theory of science and contemporary mainstream philosophy of science will be highlighted.