Conference | Paper

The science of science: Between phenomenology and transcendental logic

Giacomo Gambaro

Tuesday 13th September 2022

15:30 - 16:15

Ex ECA-Aula E

In the history of the reception and influences of phenomenology in the first half of the 20th century, a particularly relevant moment is the confrontation with neo-Kantianism and especially with the neo- Kantianism of Emil Lask (1875-1915). Lask, in fact, entertained a profound confrontation with Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen that contributed decisively not only to his detachment from the tradition of his masters Windelband and Rickert, but also to the reformulation of his own philosophical approach, as is shown in Die logik der Philosophie (1911) and in Die lehre vom Urteil (1912). Moving from the analysis of these works dedicated to the foundation of a different model of transcendental logic as “science of science”, this paper aims to offer some conceptual resources to reinterpret the idea of “pure logic” on the basis of Lask’s original reception and reworking of Husserl’s phenomenology.