Call for Papers: « The Fundamental Concepts of Heidegger’s Hermeneutics of Facticity », September 22-23, 2016, UCL – ULB – ULg (Belgium)
In the context of the recent translation into French of some of Heidegger early lessons (GA 60 in 2011, GA 63 in 2012, GA 59 in 2014, GA 56/57 forthcoming), the Catholic University of Louvain (CEP), the Free University of Brussels (LPH) and the University of Liège (URPh) jointly organise a research conference on “The Fundamental Concepts of Heidegger’s Hermeneutics of Facticity”, September 22-23, 2016.
The conference will engage in an “immanent” reading of Heidegger’s first philosophy. Such an approach contrasts with the genealogical reading of Heidegger’s early lessons – indeed, rooted in Husserl’s phenomenology, Neo-Kantian philosophy and in the philosophy of life. The conference will focus on Heidegger’s early philosophy in itself and on its originality, including compared to the later developments of Heidegger’s own philosophy.
The objective of the conference is to provide a review of the concepts that are typical of Heidegger’s Hermeneutics of Facticity: its “conceptual signature” within the history of philosophy. Communications will in particular address the specific and ad hoc vocabulary set in the context of the hermeneutics of facticity. Nevertheless, the purpose of the conference is less to establish a kind of Lexikon than to shed a new light on some fundamental themes addressed in Heidegger’s early philosophy.
Heidegger’s early concepts that will be of special interest include but are not limited to:
– Concepts inherited from the (historical or contemporary) philosophical tradition but which gain a new sense in Heidegger’s phenomenology of life: Intentionalität, Kategorie, Kairos (kairologisch), Leben/ Erlebnis, Phänomen, Phänomenologie – Psychologie – Ontologie – Wissenschaft, Theorie, Ursprung – Ursprunglichkeit, Verstehen, Verantwortung, Weltanschauung, Wert – Geltung, etc.
– Concepts that are typical of Heidegger’s Hermeneutics of facticity but disappear in his later philosophy: Formale Anzeige, Begriff (Ausdrucksbegriff, Ordnungsbegriff), Diahermeneutik, Grunderfahrung, (sich-selbst) Haben, Das Heute, Ruinanz, Rhythmus, Selbstwelt, (hermeneutische) Situation, Selbstgenügsamkeit des Lebens, Vollzug, Selbst-, Mit-, Um-welt, etc.
– Concepts that appeared during the early period and are still maintained (although with a possibly different meaning) in Heidegger’s later work: Alltäglichkeit, Das “als was”, Angst, Bekümmerung / Sorge, Augenblick, Auslegung / Interpretation, Bedeutsamkeit / Bedeutung, Bewegtheit / Bewegung, Destruktion (Abbau, etc.) Existenz, Faktizität, Geschichtlichkeit, Das Man, Vorgriff – Vorhabe, Wie (Grundwie), Wiederholung, Zeitigung, etc.
Invited Speakers:
Sophie-Jan Arrien, Université Laval, Québec
Servanne Jollivet, Archives Husserl, CNRS/ENS
Claudia Serban, Université de Toulouse 2
Francisco de Lara López, Université pontificale catholique du Chili
Organizing committee:
Sylvain Camilleri, Université catholique de Louvain
Guillaume Fagniez, FNRS/Université libre de Bruxelles
Charlotte Gauvry, Université de Liège
Practical Details:
The seminar will take place September 22-23, 2016 at Louvain University (Université catholique de Louvain) and Brussels University (Université libre de Bruxelles), Belgium.
Proposals (title and abstract, 700 words maximum) must be sent to S. Camilleri (, G. Fagniez ( and C. Gauvry ( by May 30, 2016. Acceptance or refusal will be notified by June 15, 2016.
The talks will be in French, English and German. Passive understanding of French is recommended.
We do not cover the accommodation and travel costs of the CFP speakers. Information on accommodation is available.