The Center for Phenomenological Studies at UC Louvain and the Philosophy Department at Marquette University are pleased to announce that the first issue of Etudes Phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies will be published by the end of the year (Peeters Press). Don’t forget: there is already a Call for Papers for the next issue in 2017 (« Life as a Phenomenon » and Varia Section).
La Revue EP – PS
Nouvel appel à contributions : « La vie comme phénomène »
- La notion d’Erlebnis (Dilthey, Husserl, et d’autres)
- Le concept de Lebenswelt
- La phénoménologie de la vie (le premier Heidegger, Hans Jonas, Ortega y Gasset, et d’autres)
- Vie et herméneutique (Gadamer, Ricoeur, et d’autres)
- La vie de la conscience (la vie transcendantale, le statut du biologique dansl’expérience humaine, le cerveau et la vie…)

Taminiaux on Heidegger and Arendt
Here is a link (on Akadem) to a conference held by Jacques Taminiaux in 2006: « Déconstruire la pensée heideggérienne ». It’s in French, but he speaks very clearly and distinctly. The conference has the features of the best interpretations of Heidegger, the sharpness, the balance and the clarity of the analysis especially. All in all: a great piece!
Two weeks left!
Etudes phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies: first issue « Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind ». Two weeks left before the deadline! The call for papers ends on January the 31st 2016.
Remember there’s a permanent call for papers: Submission on any topic related to the fields covered by Journal are welcomed. Guidelines are available on the CEP’s website and on